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MKVentures Capital Limited (Formerly known as "IKAB SECURITIES AND INVESTMENTS LIMITED") , a listed public limited company, was originally incorporated on 17th January 1991 under the name of Kankani Textile Industries Ltd. It subsequently changed its name to Hindustan Sanforisers Limited on 19th November 1993 and later to Ikab Securities & Investment Limited on 18th June 1998. The name of the Company was changed from ''Ikab Securities & Investment Limited'' to ''MKVENTURES CAPITAL LIMITED'' on 03rd November,2022.
The Company is a Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC), registered with Reserve Bank of India as a NBFC -Non Deposit taking-Non-Systemically Important (‘NBFC-ND-SI') vide registration certificate No: 13.00690 dated 20.04.1998. The Company has been in the business of providing financial services.
The company’s registered office is situated at 11th Floor, Express Towers Nariman Point Mumbai – 400 021, Maharashtra.
During the year 2021-22, there was change in the Management of the Company. Pursuant to the SEBI ((Substantial Acquisitions of Shares and Takeover) Regulations), 2011, Mr. Madhusudan Kela (Acquirer) acquired 83.66% of the Paid up Equity Share Capital of the Company from Promoters/ Promoters’ Group and Others through Open offer and Share Purchase Agreements and consequently, the erstwhile promoters Mr. Indra Kumar Bagri & Others ceased to be the Promoters.
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